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2016 CESAゲーム白書/2016 CESA Games White Paper

2016 CESA Games White Paper






2015年の家庭用ゲーム市場について、調査結果を要約いたしますと、販売店ベースの数字である市場規模について、日本国内は、ハードウェアが1,353億円、ソフトウェアが1,949億円、合計で3,302億円となりました。なお上記数値はパッケージゲームソフトを推計した市場規模ですが、日本国内に関して別途ダウンロードゲームソフト市場を推計したところ、131億円であることがわかりました。 一方、海外の市場規模は、ハードウェアが1兆4,652億円、ソフトウェアが1兆9,768億円、合計で3兆4,420億円となりました。本書では上記データのほか、関連市場に関するデータ、アーカイブ資料等も収録しております。

また、かねてスマートフォン向けゲームアプリ市場に関する数値のお問い合わせを多数いただいており検討を重ねてまいりましたが、このたびドイツ・PRIORI DATA社にご協力いただくことができ、今年度版より日本国内と海外の市場データを掲載する運びとなりました。こちらもあわせてご参照いただけますと幸いです。



I would like to say a few words on the publication of the "2016 CESA Games White Paper".

Once again the time has come for us to deliver the white paper and as the Association was established in 1996, we are celebrating our 20th anniversary this year. I welcome this opportunity to show my appreciation to all the people in the industry including member companies of the Association and the users who have contributed.

The game industry today is further developing into a new phase. New ways of playing are anticipated such as platforms for video games and smartphones, etc., applications of cloud computing and the adoption of virtual reality systems. New gaming markets have been emerging through the Internet in countries and regions where the gaming market was not previously developed and the market is also expanding in various other ways. Under this industry environment, we are delivering this publication that contains objective data detailing the changes in the gaming market both domestically and internationally.

Summarizing the research results for the video game market in 2015, the domestic market's size based on the retail numbers is 135.3 billion Yen for hardware, 194.9 billion Yen for software and 330.2 billion Yen in total. The above numbers for market size are estimated from packaged game software and other than this, we estimate that the domestic market for downloaded game software is 13.1 billion Yen.
On the other hand, the size of the overseas market is 1.4652 trillion Yen for hardware, 1.9768 trillion Yen for software and 3.442 trillion Yen in total. In addition to the above, this publication also contains data for related markets, archive data, etc.

Furthermore, we have been examining the numbers related to the smartphone gaming apps market as we have been getting inquiries for some time, and from this fiscal year's edition, we are able to publish both domestic and international market data through cooperation with PRIORI DATA GmbH, of Germany. Please refer to this as well.

In addition 2 articles were contributed, "Regarding merger of JASGA and CESA", explaining the details and intention of the Association's merger with the Japan Social Game Association in April 2015, and "What GREE can do to 'make the world a better place through the Power of the Internet' ". Both are very interesting so I recommend you take a look.

Finally, I want to thank all the members, related companies and non-member game companies who helped us to research and publish the "2016 CESA Games White Paper", the people from the Commerce and Information Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, who always assist us greatly and all the people who provided gaming market related data. Once again I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and ask for your future understanding and cooperation with the Association.